About Us

"My child is super active, super energetic, and learns everything so fast. As a parent, I don't have that bandwidth to plan cognitive activities for my child!".

This is what I keep hearing time and again from my pre-school parents. Hi, I am Chetna Dedhia. Having been involved in early childcare learning for more than 15 years, first as a pre-school teacher and then running my own pre-school in Navi Mumbai [ plus being a parent of two now in their late teens ], I understood the biggest problem of new-age parents: lack of time and support to give quality time and attention to their child.

As a result, the easiest but saddest solution that parents confide in is screens! And screens only make matters worse! That's why We Saw See Saw came about! We develop kits and toys so you can stay worry-free when not with your child, ensuring screen time is minimal.